27-6-107. Children; proof of age required; prohibited employment. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to employ, permit or allow any child under the age of fourteen (14) years to work at any gainful occupation except farm, domestic or lawn and yard service. To ensure that a child is of proper age […]
27-6-108. Children; proof of age required; inspection and form. (a) The proof of age required by W.S. 27-6-107 shall be made available for inspection by any official charged with the enforcement of laws regulating the employment of minors. The acceptable forms of proof of age include the following: (i) A duly attested birth certificate; (ii) […]
27-6-110. Children; hours of labor. (a) No child under sixteen (16) years of age shall be employed, permitted or suffered to work at any gainful occupation except farm or domestic service, for more than eight (8) hours in any twelve (12) hour period, or before the hour of five (5:00) o’clock a.m. or after the […]
27-6-111. Children; employment during school prohibited. No child under the age of sixteen (16) who is enrolled in any private or public school in the state of Wyoming shall be employed, permitted, or suffered to work at any occupation or service during the time that the classes of said school in which the said child […]
27-6-112. Children; prohibition of employment in certain occupations. (a) No child under sixteen (16) years of age shall be employed, permitted, or allowed to work at, in, or in connection with any of the following occupations, or at any of the following kinds of work except for the purpose of instruction in the public schools: […]
27-6-113. Children; penalty for violations. (a) Any person employing any child or children in violation of the provisions of this chapter, or any child, subject hereto, who willfully and intentionally violates the provisions of this chapter, or any person who permits a violation, is guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof, shall be punished […]
27-6-114. Employment of children under 16 in amusement, immoral or dangerous pursuits forbidden; exceptions. (a) It is unlawful for any person having the care, custody or control of any child under the age of sixteen (16) years to: (i) Exhibit, use or employ that child: (A) As an actor or performer in any concert hall […]