36-8-1201. Sale of land to town of Guernsey. (a) The board of land commissioners is authorized and directed to convey its right, title and interest, in the surface estate of the following described parcel of land to the town of Guernsey: That part of the NE1/4 and NE1/4 SE1/4 of Section 34, Township 27 North, […]
36-8-1202. Sale of land to town of Newcastle. (a) The board of land commissioners is authorized and directed to convey, its right, title and interest, in the surface estate of the following described parcels of land to the town of Newcastle: Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4 of Block 1, Washington Park Addition; Lots 1, […]
36-8-1203. Sale of land to Uinta County. (a) The board of land commissioners is authorized and directed to convey, subject to section 2 of this act, its right, title and interest, in the surface estate of the following described parcel of land to Uinta County: A tract of land located in the S1/2 N1/2 and […]
36-8-1204. Fort Bridger state historic site; acceptance of lands. The legislature authorizes the acceptance of the following lands to be included in the Fort Bridger state historic site managed by the department of state parks and historic sites upon final negotiation with Uinta County: Township 16 North, Range 115 West, NW1/4 of the SE1/4 of […]