37-12-101. Stealing railroad equipment. If any person shall willfully and wrongfully take or remove the waste or packing or brass or brasses from any journal or boxes, of any locomotive, engine, tender, carriage, coach, car, caboose, or truck, used or operated, or capable of being used or operated upon any railroad, whether the same be […]
37-12-103. Destruction, obstruction or removal of railroad track or fixtures generally; penalty if death results. Whoever shall willfully and maliciously remove, break, displace, throw down, destroy or in any manner injure any rail or rails or any part of the tracks or any bridge, viaduct, culvert, trestle-work, embankment, parapet or other fixture or any part […]
37-12-104. Unlawful riding on railroad trains. It shall be unlawful for any person, without the consent of those operating the same, to ride on any part of any railroad car or train.
37-12-105. Unlawful riding on railroad trains; penalty. Every person violating the provisions of 32-818 [§ 37-12-104] shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine not less than five dollars ($5.00), nor more than one hundred dollars ($100.00), or by imprisonment in the county jail for a period […]
37-12-106. Unlawful riding on railroad trains; power of conductor as special constable. The conductor in charge of any car or train who finds any person on his car or train, violating the provisions of this act, is hereby made a special constable, authorized to arrest any such person and deliver him free of all transportation […]
37-12-107. Unlawful riding on railroad trains; prosecution of offender. Any sheriff or deputy sheriff receiving any person from any special constable, as in this act provided, shall forthwith deliver the person, with the charge made against him to the sheriff of the county wherein the offense may be charged to have been committed. It shall […]
37-12-111. Gas; interference with pipes. Any person who connects any pipe or other conduit, device or contrivance with any gas main or lateral supply pipe, supplying or intended to supply gas to any house, store or other building, without the knowledge and consent of any person or corporation owning said gas main or lateral supply […]
37-12-112. Gas; piping gas around meter. Any person who connects or changes any pipe or other conduit, device or contrivance with any gas main or lateral supply pipe, supplying or intended to supply gas to any house, store or other building, without the knowledge and consent of any person or corporation owning said gas main, […]
37-12-113. Gas; alteration or destruction of meter. Any person who willfully injures, alters, or by any instrument, device or contrivance in any manner interferes with or destroys the action or operation of any meter for measuring gas, or of the amount or quantity of gas passing through it without the knowledge or consent of the […]
37-12-114. Gas; penalty. Any person convicted of a violation of any of the provisions of this act shall be punished for each offense by a fine of not less than fifty ($50.00) dollars nor more than three hundred dollars ($300.00), or by imprisonment in the county jail for a period of not less than thirty […]
37-12-115. Electricity; interference with wires. Any person who connects or changes any wire, cord, socket, motor or other instrument, device or contrivance, with any wire transmitting or supplying, or intended to transmit or supply electricity to any house, store or other building, without the knowledge and consent of the person or corporation owning said wire, […]
37-12-116. Electricity; wiring around electric meter. Any person who connects or changes any wire, cord, socket, motor or other instrument, device, or contrivance with any wire, transmitting or supplying or intended to transmit or supply electricity to any house, store, or other building, without the knowledge and consent of the person or corporation owning said […]
37-12-117. Electricity; alteration or destruction of electric meter. Any person who willfully injures, alters or by any instrument, device or contrivance in any manner interferes with or obstructs the action or operation of any meter for measuring electricity or the amount or quantity of electricity passing through it without the knowledge and consent of the […]
37-12-118. Electricity; penalty. Any person convicted of a violation of any of the provisions of this act, shall be punished for each offense by a fine of not less than fifty dollars ($50.00) nor more than three hundred dollars ($300.00), or by imprisonment in the county jail for a period of not less than thirty […]
37-12-119. Interfering or tampering with petroleum pipeline. It shall be unlawful for any person, intentionally, knowingly and without lawful right so to do, to tap, tamper with, alter, interfere with or injure any oil well, drip, pipeline, or any other facility used in the production, handling, refining, or transportation of gas, natural gasoline, casinghead gasoline, […]
37-12-120. Interference with or injury to electric utility poles or wires; affixing posters to telegraph, telephone and electric utility poles prohibited; penalties. (a) Whoever maliciously or mischievously takes down, removes, interferes with, obstructs or injures any electric utility pole or wire, or any part thereof, or any appurtenance or apparatus connected therewith, or severs or […]
37-12-121. Damaging public telephones or equipment or telegraph or telephone lines or poles. Any person who willfully displaces, removes, injures or destroys any public telephone instrument or any part thereof or any equipment or facilities associated therewith or who enters or breaks into any coin box associated therewith or who willfully displaces, removes, injures or […]
37-12-124. Sale of equipment designed to conceal source or avoid charges for telecommunication service; prohibited. (a) Any individual, corporation or other person who under circumstances evincing an intent to defraud, makes, possesses, sells, gives, or otherwise transfers to another, or who offers or advertises for sale, any instrument, apparatus, equipment or device, or any plans […]
37-12-125. Sale of equipment designed to conceal source or avoid charges for telecommunication service; exemption. Nothing herein shall apply to holders of valid federal communications commission licenses when the licensee is acting within the scope of his license; provided that nothing herein shall excuse any person from compliance with lawful tariffs of any telecommunications company.
37-12-126. Failure to yield telephone for reporting emergencies; definitions. (a) In W.S. 37-12-126 through 37-12-130 unless the context otherwise requires: (i) “Party line” means a subscriber’s line telephone circuit, consisting of two (2) or more main telephone stations connected therewith, each station with a distinctive ring or telephone number; (ii) “Emergency” means a situation in […]