37-9-601. Contractor’s bond. Whenever any railroad company shall contract with any person, persons or corporation for the construction of its railroad or any part thereof, the company shall take from the person, persons, or corporation with whom a contract is made, a good and sufficient bond, in some guarantee or surety company authorized to do […]
37-9-602. Verified statement of account; to be delivered to company; account to be withheld out of subsequent payments. Every laborer, mechanic, ranchman, farmer, merchant, or other person performing any work or labor or furnishing any material, ranch or farm products, provisions, goods, or supplies to any contractor or subcontractor, in the construction of any railroad, […]
37-9-603. Verified statement of account; recovery procedure. Whenever any verified account mentioned in the last preceding section shall be placed in the hands of any railroad company or its agent as above stated, it shall be the duty of such company to furnish the contractor with a copy of such verified account, so that if […]