Section 42-8-101 – Short Title.
42-8-101. Short title. This article shall be known and may be cited as the “Wyoming Nursing Care Facility Assessment Act.”
42-8-101. Short title. This article shall be known and may be cited as the “Wyoming Nursing Care Facility Assessment Act.”
42-8-102. Definitions. (a) As used in this article: (i) “Account” means the nursing care facility assessment account created under W.S. 42-8-103; (ii) “Department” means the department of health; (iii) “Fiscal year” means the twelve (12) month period beginning October 1 and ending September 30; (iv) “Medicaid” means as defined in W.S. 42-7-102(a)(iv); (v) “Medicare resident […]
42-8-103. Nursing care facility assessment account. (a) The nursing care facility assessment account is created. (b) The state treasurer shall invest amounts deposited within the account in accordance with law, and all investment earnings shall be credited back to the account. (c) The account shall consist of: (i) Amounts collected or received by the department […]
42-8-104. Assessments. (a) Each nursing care facility shall pay the nursing care facility assessment to the account in accordance with this article. (b) The aggregated amount of assessments for all nursing facilities during a fiscal year shall be the lesser of the amount necessary to fund the provisions of this article or the maximum amount […]
42-8-105. Approval of state plan. (a) The department shall seek necessary federal approval in the form of state plan amendments in order to implement the provisions of this article. (b) The department shall adopt rules and regulations necessary to implement the provisions of this article or obtain approval of the state plan amendments.
42-8-106. Multiple facilities. If a person conducts, operates or maintains more than one (1) nursing care facility licensed by the department, the person shall pay the assessment for each nursing care facility separately.
42-8-107. Penalties for failure to pay assessment. (a) If a nursing care facility fails to pay an assessment when due under this article, there shall be added to the assessment a penalty equal to five percent (5%) of the amount of the assessment that was not paid when due. The penalty under this section may […]
42-8-108. Quarterly adjustment payments. (a) Each nursing facility is eligible for quarterly adjustments as provided in this section. (b) The department shall determine the number of days that nursing care facility services were paid for by the Wyoming medical assistance program for the applicable annual cost report. That number of days shall be utilized by […]
42-8-109. Discontinuation of the assessment and quarterly adjustment payments. (a) The assessment imposed by this article shall be discontinued if: (i) The state plan amendment reflecting the quarterly nursing care facility adjustment payments under W.S. 42-8-108 is not approved by the federal centers for Medicare and Medicaid services. The department may modify the rate adjustment […]