115D-20.1. Policy prohibiting tobacco use in community college buildings, grounds, and at community college-sponsored events.
(a) As used in this section:
(1) "Tobacco product" includes cigarettes, cigars, blunts, bidis, pipes, chewing tobacco, snus, snuff, and any other items containing or reasonably resembling tobacco or tobacco products.
(2) "Tobacco use" includes smoking, chewing, dipping, or any other use of tobacco products.
(b) Local community college boards of trustees may adopt, implement, and enforce a written policy prohibiting at all times the use of any tobacco product by any person in community college buildings, in community college facilities, on community college campuses, in vehicles owned, leased, or operated by the local community college, and in or on any other community college property owned, leased, or operated by the local community college. The policy may also prohibit the use of all tobacco products by persons attending a community college-sponsored event.
(c) The policy adopted by a local community college board of trustees may include the following elements:
(1) Adequate notice of the policy to students, parents, the public, and school personnel.
(2) Posting of signs prohibiting at all times the use of tobacco products by any person in and on community college property.
(3) Requirements that community college personnel develop plans for successful implementation of and compliance with the policy.
(4) Permission for tobacco products to be included in instructional or research activities in community college buildings if the activity is conducted or supervised by the faculty member overseeing the instruction or research and the activity does not include smoking, chewing, or otherwise ingesting the tobacco product.
(d) Nothing in G.S. 130A-498, G.S. 143-595 through G.S. 143-601, or any other section prohibits a local community college board of trustees from adopting and enforcing a more restrictive policy on the use of tobacco in community college buildings, in community college facilities, on community college campuses, or at community college-related or community college-sponsored events, and in or on other community college property.
(e) The North Carolina Tobacco Prevention and Control Branch and the Health and Wellness Trust Fund Commission shall work with local community college boards of trustees to provide assistance with the development and implementation of the policy including providing information regarding smoking cessation and prevention resources. (2008-95, ss. 2, 3.)