A. For purposes of this section, “state average unemployment insurance claims” means the weekly average of Continued UI Claims for the thirteen (13) weeks beginning with the first file week ending in the month of July in the calendar year prior to the current calendar year as published by the Oklahoma Employment Security Commission or the agency responsible for collecting and publishing unemployment insurance claims data.
B. On January 1, 2025, for unemployment compensation claims submitted during a calendar year, the duration of benefits is limited to:
1.a.Sixteen (16) weeks if the state’s average unemployment insurance claims are at or below five thousand (5,000) claims,
- b.An additional two (2) weeks shall be added in addition to the sixteen (16) weeks for each fifteen thousand (15,000) increments if the state’s average unemployment insurance claims are above five thousand (5,000) claims, or
- c.Up to the maximum of twenty (20) weeks; or
2. In the event that the weekly claims data of continued claims administered by the Oklahoma Employment Security Commission exceeds forty thousand (40,000) claims, the maximum duration of benefits shall immediately be raised to twenty-six (26) weeks. This maximum benefit duration shall be in place until the weekly claims data of continued UI claims falls below forty thousand (40,000) claims at which time the maximum duration of benefits shall be determined pursuant to paragraph 1 of subsection B of this section.
Added by Laws 2022, c. 287, § 3, eff. Jan. 1, 2023.
NOTE: Editorially renumbered from § 1-230 of this title to avoid a duplication in numbering.