(a) As used in this section:
(1) “All-terrain vehicle” has the same meaning as in § 27-21-102;
(2) “Disability document” means:
(A) An Arkansas license plate beginning with the letters “DV” or “DAV”;
(B) A license plate or certificate from any state that displays:
(i) The international symbol of access;
(ii) The word “disabled”; or
(iii) Both the international symbol of access and the word “disabled”;
(C) An America the Beautiful Access Pass or America the Beautiful Golden Access Passport; or
(D) A disability document from the Social Security Administration or the United States Department of Veterans Affairs establishing a determination of a mobility-based disability; and
(3) “Recreation use area” means:
(A) A campground;
(B) A day-use or picnic area; and
(C) Cabin and lodge areas.
(A) A person who has a disability document and a valid driver’s license may operate an all-terrain vehicle or a golf cart on roads only within developed recreation use areas located within a park and recreational area under the control and management of the State Parks, Recreation, and Travel Commission.
(B) The authority to operate an all-terrain vehicle or a golf cart under subdivision (b)(1)(A) of this section includes Arkansas Department of Transportation drives designated as the State Highway (S.H.) 600 Series within the state parks and recreational areas.
(2) A person shall not operate an all-terrain vehicle or golf cart from one recreation-use area to another.
(c) An all-terrain vehicle or golf cart that is operated from one-half (½) hour after sunset and one-half (½) hour before sunrise or any other time when there is insufficient light to render clearly discernible persons at a distance of five hundred feet (500′) shall have proper lights on the all-terrain vehicle or golf cart.