§ 22-4-401. Title
This subchapter may be cited as the “Arkansas Trails System Act”.
This subchapter may be cited as the “Arkansas Trails System Act”.
As used in this subchapter: (1) “Right-of-way” means the strip of land over which a trail is constructed whether acquired by easement or fee simple title; and (2) “Trail” means any road, pathway, route, or other identifiable linear facility designated, constructed, and maintained to provide specific recreational experiences to the public. Trails may be established […]
A statewide trails system to be called the “Arkansas Trails System” is authorized to be administered by the State Parks Division. The administration shall include: (1) Coordination of trail development between state, federal, county, municipal, and private entities; (2) Development of a wide variety of types of trails to provide maximum trail opportunities for the […]
(a) An advisory body to the State Parks Division to be known as the “Arkansas Trails Council”, is created for the purpose of informing the division, other trail-providing agencies, and the public at large of public need, use, and ongoing and planned trail development and to provide a public forum for discussion of trail-related issues. […]
Trails accepted into the Arkansas Trails System shall meet criteria as established by the Arkansas Trails Council and the State Parks Division, which shall include: (1) A guaranteed right-of-way for public use for a minimum period of five (5) years; (2) Trail operation and maintenance for a minimum period of five (5) years by an […]
Trails in the Arkansas Trails System shall be classified according to their designated use and shall include, but not be limited to, the following classifications: (1) Interpretive trail — a route having natural, cultural, or historical points of interest identified to the public through the use of markers, plaques, brochures, or other readily recognizable means; […]
Nothing in this subchapter shall be construed to give the public any greater right or privilege of access to private lands than that permitted by easement granted by the landowner.