31.651 KOSHER PRODUCTS, UNLAWFUL SALE. Subdivision 1. Kosher requirements. No person shall sell or expose for sale any poultry, poultry products, meat, or meat preparations and falsely represent the same to be kosher, whether such poultry, poultry products, meat, or meat preparations be raw or prepared for human consumption; nor shall the person permit any […]
31.658 HALAL PRODUCTS. Subdivision 1. Halal food requirements. A person must not: (1) serve, sell, or expose for sale food or food products, meat or meat products, or poultry or poultry products that are falsely represented as Halal; (2) permit food, food products, meat or meat products, or poultry or poultry products, or the contents […]
31.661 MARKS, STAMPS, TAGS, BRANDS, OR LABELS. No person shall: (1) willfully mark, stamp, tag, brand, label, or in any other way or by any other means of identification, represent or cause to be marked, stamped, tagged, branded, labeled, or represented as kosher or as having been prepared as prescribed by a rabbinic authority, with […]
31.671 RULES. The commissioner of agriculture shall have the power to promulgate rules for the purpose of carrying out the provisions of sections 31.651 to 31.661. History: 1959 c 563 s 3; 1961 c 113 s 1; 1985 c 248 s 70; 2013 c 125 art 1 s 24