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Home » US Law » 2022 Minnesota Statutes » Chapters 175 - 186 — Labor, Industry » Chapter 179A — Public Employment Labor Relations

Section 179A.01 — Public Policy.

179A.01 PUBLIC POLICY. (a) It is the public policy of this state and the purpose of sections 179A.01 to 179A.25 to promote orderly and constructive relationships between all public employers and their employees. This policy is subject to the paramount right of the citizens of this state to keep inviolate the guarantees for their health, […]

Section 179A.02 — Citation.

179A.02 CITATION. Sections 179A.01 to 179A.25 shall be known as the “Public Employment Labor Relations Act.” History: 1984 c 462 s 3

Section 179A.03 — Definitions.

179A.03 DEFINITIONS. Subdivision 1. General. For the purposes of sections 179A.01 to 179A.25, the terms defined in this section have the meanings given them unless otherwise stated. Subd. 2. Appropriate unit or unit. “Appropriate unit” or “unit” means a unit of employees determined under sections 179A.09 to 179A.11. For school districts, unit means all the […]

Section 179A.04 — Commissioner’s Power, Authority, And Duties.

179A.04 COMMISSIONER’S POWER, AUTHORITY, AND DUTIES. Subdivision 1. Petitions. The commissioner shall accept and investigate all petitions for: (1) certification or decertification as the exclusive representative of an appropriate unit; (2) mediation services; (3) any election or other voting procedures provided for in sections 179A.01 to 179A.25; (4) certification to arbitration; and (5) fair share […]

Section 179A.041 — Public Employment Relations Board; Power, Authority, And Duties.

179A.041 PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT RELATIONS BOARD; POWER, AUTHORITY, AND DUTIES. Subdivision 1. Membership. The Public Employment Relations Board is established with three members. One member shall be an officer or employee of an exclusive representative of public employees and shall be appointed by the governor; one shall be representative of public employers and shall be appointed […]

Section 179A.051 — Appeals Of Commissioner’s Decisions.

179A.051 APPEALS OF COMMISSIONER’S DECISIONS. (a) Decisions of the commissioner relating to supervisory, confidential, essential, and professional employees, appropriateness of a unit, or fair share fee challenges may be reviewed on certiorari by the court of appeals. A petition for a writ of certiorari must be filed and served on the other party or parties […]

Section 179A.052 — Appeals Of Board’s Decisions.

179A.052 APPEALS OF BOARD’S DECISIONS. Decisions of the board relating to unfair labor practices under section 179.11, 179.12, 179A.12, subdivision 11, or 179A.13 including dismissal of unfair labor practice charges, may be reviewed on certiorari by the court of appeals. A petition for a writ of certiorari must be filed and served on the other […]

Section 179A.06 — Rights And Obligations Of Employees.

179A.06 RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS OF EMPLOYEES. Subdivision 1. Expression of views. Sections 179A.01 to 179A.25 do not affect the right of any public employee or the employee’s representative to express or communicate a view, grievance, complaint, or opinion on any matter related to the conditions or compensation of public employment or their betterment, so long […]

Section 179A.07 — Rights And Obligations Of Employers.

179A.07 RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS OF EMPLOYERS. Subdivision 1. Inherent managerial policy. A public employer is not required to meet and negotiate on matters of inherent managerial policy. Matters of inherent managerial policy include, but are not limited to, such areas of discretion or policy as the functions and programs of the employer, its overall budget, […]

Section 179A.08 — Policy Consultants.

179A.08 POLICY CONSULTANTS. Subdivision 1. Professional employees. The legislature recognizes that professional employees possess knowledge, expertise, and dedication which is helpful and necessary to the operation and quality of public services and which may assist public employers in developing their policies. It is, therefore, the policy of this state to encourage close cooperation between public […]

Section 179A.09 — Unit Determination.

179A.09 UNIT DETERMINATION. Subdivision 1. Criteria. In determining the appropriate unit, the commissioner shall consider the principles and the coverage of uniform comprehensive position classification and compensation plans of the employees, professions and skilled crafts, and other occupational classifications, relevant administrative and supervisory levels of authority, geographical location, history, extent of organization, the recommendation of […]

Section 179A.10 — State Units.

179A.10 STATE UNITS. Subdivision 1. Exclusions. The commissioner of management and budget shall meet and negotiate with the exclusive representative of each of the units specified in this section, except as provided in section 43A.06, subdivision 1, paragraph (c). The units provided in this section are the only appropriate units for executive branch state employees. […]

Section 179A.101 — Court Units.

179A.101 COURT UNITS. Subdivision 1. Court employee units. (a) The state court administrator shall meet and negotiate with the exclusive representative of each of the units specified in this section. The units provided in this section are the only appropriate units for court employees. Court employees, unless otherwise excluded, are included within the units which […]

Section 179A.102 — Transition To New Bargaining Unit Structure.

179A.102 TRANSITION TO NEW BARGAINING UNIT STRUCTURE. Subdivision 1. Application of section. Notwithstanding the provisions of section 179A.12 or any other law, this section governs, where contrary to other law, the initial certification and decertification, if any, of exclusive representatives for the appropriate units established by section 179A.101. Subsequent to the initial certification and decertification, […]

Section 179A.103 — General Provisions For Court Employees.

179A.103 GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR COURT EMPLOYEES. Subdivision 1. Contracts. Contracts for the period commencing July 1 of the year in which the state assumes the cost of court administration in the judicial district for the judicial district court employees must be negotiated with the state court administrator. Negotiations for those contracts may begin any time […]

Section 179A.104 — Board Of Public Defense.

179A.104 BOARD OF PUBLIC DEFENSE. Subdivision 1. Employee units. The state Board of Public Defense shall meet and negotiate with the exclusive representative of each of the statewide units specified in this section. The units provided in this section are the only appropriate statewide units for state employees of the board. Employees of the state […]

Section 179A.11 — University Of Minnesota.

179A.11 UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA. Subdivision 1. Units. The following are the appropriate units of University of Minnesota employees. All units shall exclude managerial and confidential employees. Supervisory employees shall only be assigned to unit 13. No additional units of University of Minnesota employees shall be recognized for the purpose of meeting and negotiating. (1) The […]

Section 179A.12 — Exclusive Representation; Elections; Decertification.

179A.12 EXCLUSIVE REPRESENTATION; ELECTIONS; DECERTIFICATION. Subdivision 1. Certification continued. Any employee organization holding formal recognition by order of the commissioner or by employer voluntary recognition on the effective date of Extra Session Laws 1971, chapter 33, under any law that is repealed by Extra Session Laws 1971, chapter 33, is certified as the exclusive representative […]

Section 179A.13 — Unfair Labor Practices.

179A.13 UNFAIR LABOR PRACTICES. Subdivision 1. Actions. (a) The practices specified in this section are unfair labor practices. Any employee, employer, employee or employer organization, exclusive representative, or any other person or organization aggrieved by an unfair labor practice as defined in this section may file an unfair labor practice charge with the board. (b) […]

Section 179A.135 — Unfair Labor Practices Involving Charitable Hospitals.

179A.135 UNFAIR LABOR PRACTICES INVOLVING CHARITABLE HOSPITALS. Any charitable hospital as defined in section 179.35, subdivision 2, any hospital employee as defined in section 179.35, subdivision 3, any labor organization as defined in section 179.01, subdivision 6, or any other person or organization connected with a charitable hospital, who is aggrieved by an unfair labor […]