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Home » US Law » 2022 Nevada Revised Statutes » TITLE 53—LABOR AND INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS » Chapter 616A - Industrial Insurance: Administration » DIVISION OF INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS OF THE DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY

NRS 616A.400 – Duties of Administrator: Regulations.

The Administrator shall: 1. Prescribe by regulation the time within which adjudications and awards must be made. 2. Regulate forms of notices, claims and other blank forms deemed proper and advisable. 3. Prescribe by regulation the methods by which an insurer may approve or reject claims, and may determine the amount and nature of benefits […]

NRS 616A.403 – Duties of Administrator: Preparation of annual report of enforcement of Nevada Industrial Insurance Act and Nevada Occupational Diseases Act.

1. The Administrator shall prepare an annual report concerning the enforcement of the provisions of chapters 616A to 617, inclusive, of NRS through the imposition of fines and benefit penalties against insurers, organizations for managed care, health care providers, third-party administrators and employers. 2. The annual report must include, without limitation: (a) The total number […]

NRS 616A.420 – Agreements or compacts with other states; insurance coverage against double liability of employers.

1. The Administrator may enter into agreements or compacts with appropriate agencies, bureaus, boards or commissions of other states concerning matters of mutual interest, extraterritorial problems in the administration of chapters 616A to 616D, inclusive, or chapter 617 of NRS, and to eliminate duplicate claims or benefits. 2. The insurer may provide liability insurance coverage […]

NRS 616A.425 – Fund for Workers’ Compensation and Safety.

1. There is hereby established in the State Treasury the Fund for Workers’ Compensation and Safety as an enterprise fund. All money received from assessments levied on insurers and employers by the Administrator pursuant to NRS 232.680 must be deposited in this Fund. 2. All assessments, penalties, bonds, securities and all other properties received, collected […]

NRS 616A.430 – Uninsured Employers’ Claim Account.

1. There is hereby established in the State Treasury the Uninsured Employers’ Claim Account in the Fund for Workers’ Compensation and Safety, which may be used only for the purpose of making payments in accordance with the provisions of NRS 616C.220 and 617.401 and subsection 2 of NRS 616C.473. The Administrator shall administer the Account […]