Effective: January 30, 2014 Latest Legislation: House Bill 72 – 130th General Assembly When a deed or other instrument of writing for the sale, conveyance, or encumbrance of lands, tenements, or hereditaments, situated within this state, has been recorded in the official records of a county of the state, other than the county in which […]
Effective: October 1, 1953 Latest Legislation: House Bill 1 – 100th General Assembly After copies of records have been recorded, as provided in sections 317.14 and 317.15 of the Revised Code, in the county in which such lands, tenements, or hereditaments lie, a copy of such record, certified by the county recorder of the county […]
Effective: January 30, 2014 Latest Legislation: House Bill 72 – 130th General Assembly When directed by the board of county commissioners to do so, the county recorder may transcribe in the official records provided for that purpose, from the records of other counties, all deeds, mortgages, powers of attorney, and other instruments of writing, for […]
Effective: January 30, 2014 Latest Legislation: House Bill 72 – 130th General Assembly The county recorder shall make and keep up direct and reverse indexes of all the names of both parties to all instruments previously received for record by the county recorder. The indexes shall show the kind of instrument, the range, township, and […]
Effective: January 30, 2014 Latest Legislation: House Bill 72 – 130th General Assembly The county recorder shall keep a daily register of deeds and mortgages, in which shall be noted, as soon as filed, in alphabetical order according to the names of the grantors, respectively, all deeds and mortgages affecting real estate, filed in the […]
Effective: January 30, 2014 Latest Legislation: House Bill 72 – 130th General Assembly (A) When, in the opinion of the board of county commissioners, sectional indexes are needed and it so directs, in addition to the indexes provided for in section 317.18 of the Revised Code, the board may provide for making, in books prepared […]
Effective: October 1, 1953 Latest Legislation: House Bill 1 – 100th General Assembly Whenever the county recorder, county auditor, and county treasurer, or a majority of them, determines to provide, for the convenience of the various county officials and the more efficient performance of their duties, including those prescribed by sections 5309.01 to 5309.98 and […]
Effective: January 30, 2014 Latest Legislation: House Bill 72 – 130th General Assembly No deed of absolute conveyance of land or any conveyance, absolute or otherwise, of minerals or mineral rights shall be recorded by the county recorder until: (A) The conveyance presented to the county recorder bears the stamp of the county auditor stating […]
Effective: October 1, 1953 Latest Legislation: House Bill 1 – 100th General Assembly The county recorder shall not record any lease, deed, or other conveyance of lots or lands belonging to any university keeping transfer books, unless such instrument is indorsed by the president or other proper officer of such university, showing that such instrument […]
Effective: September 28, 2012 Latest Legislation: House Bill 490 – 129th General Assembly (A) As used in this section: (1) “Authorized party” means any of the following: (a) The person who is the subject of the record of discharge; (b) A county veterans service officer who is certified by the department of veterans services; (c) […]
Effective: September 8, 2016 Latest Legislation: House Bill 173 – 131st General Assembly (A) The board of county commissioners may by resolution allow the county recorder or county veterans service office to issue Ohio veterans identification cards to individuals who have met the following requirements: (1) Presented the individual’s armed forces discharge record for recording […]
Effective: September 8, 2016 Latest Legislation: House Bill 173 – 131st General Assembly The Ohio recorders association, in consultation with the county commissioners’ association of Ohio and Ohio state association of county veteran service officers, shall establish material and design standards for Ohio veterans identification cards that may be issued by county recorders or county […]
Effective: July 20, 1984 Latest Legislation: House Bill 371 – 115th General Assembly The county recorder shall be the custodian of all records which are provided for the county and furnished under the laws of this state, providing for the registration of the graves of all persons who served in any war in which the […]
Effective: January 30, 2014 Latest Legislation: House Bill 72 – 130th General Assembly Upon the presentation of any instrument of writing for filing or record, the county recorder shall indorse thereon the fee for filing or recording the instrument.
Effective: April 7, 2009 Latest Legislation: Senate Bill 248 – 127th General Assembly On demand and tender of the proper fees, the county recorder shall furnish to any person an accurate, certified copy of any record in the recorder’s office other than a record of discharge under section 317.24 of the Revised Code, and affix […]
Effective: January 30, 2014 Latest Legislation: House Bill 72 – 130th General Assembly No county recorder, and no deputy or employee of the county recorder, shall take the acknowledgement of any instrument required to be filed or recorded in the county recorder’s office.
Effective: January 30, 2014 Latest Legislation: House Bill 72 – 130th General Assembly When the records in the county recorder’s office, or any part of them, become defaced or injured, the recorder, when directed to do so by the board of county commissioners, shall transcribe them into new books or on other media, which shall […]
Effective: October 1, 1953 Latest Legislation: House Bill 1 – 100th General Assembly When any of the records of a county are destroyed in whole or in part, a map, plat, deed, conveyance, mortgage, power of attorney, or other instrument in writing, or record in any proceeding authorized by law to be recorded, which affects […]
Effective: January 30, 2014 Latest Legislation: House Bill 72 – 130th General Assembly When any instrument or record mentioned in section 317.30 of the Revised Code is presented to the county recorder or other proper custodian of such records, the county recorder or other custodian shall forthwith record and index it in the same manner […]
Effective: September 13, 2022 Latest Legislation: Senate Bill 61 – 134th General Assembly The county recorder shall charge and collect the following fees, to include, except as otherwise provided in division (A)(2) of this section, base fees for the recorder’s services and housing trust fund fees collected pursuant to section 317.36 of the Revised Code: […]