“Employee” excludes:
1. Any person whose employment is both casual and not in the course of the trade, business, profession or occupation of his or her employer.
2. Any person engaged in household domestic service, farm, dairy, agricultural or horticultural labor, or in stock or poultry raising, except as otherwise provided in this chapter.
3. Any person engaged as a theatrical or stage performer or in an exhibition.
4. Musicians when their services are merely casual in nature and not lasting more than 2 consecutive days, and not recurring for the same employer, as in wedding receptions, private parties and similar miscellaneous engagements.
5. Any person performing services as a voluntary ski patroller who receives no compensation for his or her services other than meals, lodging, or use of the ski tow or lift facilities.
6. Any person who performs services as a sports official for a nominal fee at a sporting event that is amateur, intercollegiate or interscholastic and is sponsored by a public agency, public entity or private, nonprofit organization. As used in this subsection, “sports official” includes an umpire, referee, judge, scorekeeper, timekeeper or other person who is a neutral participant in a sporting event.
7. Any person who:
(a) Directly sells or solicits the sale of products, in person or by telephone:
(1) On the basis of a deposit, commission, purchase for resale or similar arrangement specified by the Administrator of the Division of Industrial Relations of the Department of Business and Industry by regulation, if the products are to be resold to another person in his or her home or place other than a retail store; or
(2) To another person from his or her home or place other than a retail store;
(b) Receives compensation or remuneration based on sales to customers rather than for the number of hours that the person works; and
(c) Performs pursuant to a written agreement with the person for whom the services are performed which provides that the person who performs the services is not an employee for the purposes of this chapter.
[Part 11:44:1947; 1943 NCL § 2800.11]—(NRS A 1975, 1021; 1979, 950; 1981, 716; 1997, 163; 2003, 1586)