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26 §621-A. Timely and full payment of wages

§621-A. Timely and full payment of wages (CONTAINS TEXT WITH VARYING EFFECTIVE DATES) 1.  Minimum frequency and full payment.  At regular intervals not to exceed 16 days, every employer must pay in full all wages earned by each employee. Each payment must include all wages earned to within 8 days of the payment date. Payments […]

26 §622. Records

§622. Records Every employer shall keep a true record showing the date and amount paid to each employee pursuant to section 621‑A. Every employer shall keep a daily record of the time worked by each such employee unless the employee is paid a salary that is fixed without regard for the number of hours worked. […]

26 §623. Exemptions

§623. Exemptions This section and sections 621‑A and 622 do not apply to family members and salaried employees as defined in section 663, subsection 3, paragraphs J and K. Sections 621‑A and 622 do not apply to an employee of a cooperative corporation or association if the employee is a stockholder of the corporation or […]

26 §625. Notice of intention to quit

§625. Notice of intention to quit Any person, firm or corporation engaged in any manufacturing or mechanical business may contract with adult or minor employees to give one week’s notice of intention on such employee’s part to quit such employment under a penalty of forfeiture of one week’s wages. In such case, the employer shall […]

26 §626-A. Penalties

§626-A. Penalties Whoever violates any of the provisions of section 600‑A, sections 621‑A to 623 or section 626, 628, 628‑A, 629 or 629‑B is subject to a forfeiture of not less than $100 nor more than $500 for each violation.   [PL 2021, c. 404, §2 (AMD).] Any employer is liable to the employee or […]

26 §626. Cessation of employment

§626. Cessation of employment An employee leaving employment must be paid in full no later than the employee’s next established payday. Any overcompensation may be withheld if authorized under section 635 and any loan or advance against future earnings or wages may be deducted if evidenced by a statement in writing signed by the employee. […]

26 §627. Assignment of wages

§627. Assignment of wages No assignment of wages is valid against any other person than the parties thereto, unless such assignment is recorded by the clerk in the office of the Secretary of State. No such assignment of wages may be valid against the employer, unless he has actual notice thereof.   [PL 1987, c. […]

26 §628-A. Compensation history inquiry prohibited

§628-A. Compensation history inquiry prohibited 1.  Legislative findings and intent.  The Legislature finds that despite requirements regarding equal pay having been a part of the laws of Maine since 1965, wage inequality is an ongoing issue in the State. Wage inequality causes substantial harm to the citizens and to the economy of the State. The […]

26 §628. Equal pay

§628. Equal pay An employer may not discriminate between employees in the same establishment on the basis of sex by paying wages to any employee in any occupation in this State at a rate less than the rate at which the employer pays any employee of the opposite sex for comparable work on jobs that […]

26 §629-A. Fringe benefits as wages

§629-A. Fringe benefits as wages Whenever a person ceases to be employed because of the insolvency of his employer, if in claiming from the employer wages earned but not yet paid to him, the term “wages earned” shall include all fringe benefits earned by the employee that were considered in the employment contract, including plans […]

26 §629-B. Employee health benefit plans

§629-B. Employee health benefit plans 1.  Application.  This section applies to health benefit plans which an employer provides or agrees to provide to his employees. It does not apply to employee health benefit plans separately provided by any employee organization or bargaining agent, regardless of any financial contribution to that plan by the employer.   […]

26 §629. Unfair agreements

§629. Unfair agreements 1.  Work without compensation; return of compensation.  A person, firm or corporation may not require or permit any person as a condition of securing or retaining employment to work without monetary compensation or when having an agreement, oral, written or implied, that a part of such compensation should be returned to the […]

26 §630. Written statement of reason for termination of employment

§630. Written statement of reason for termination of employment An employer shall, upon written request of the affected employee, give that employee the written reasons for the termination of that person’s employment. An employer who fails to satisfy this request within 15 days of receiving it may be subject to a forfeiture of not less […]

26 §631. Employee right to review personnel file

§631. Employee right to review personnel file The employer shall, upon written request from an employee or former employee, provide the employee, former employee or duly authorized representative with an opportunity to review and copy the employee’s personnel file if the employer has a personnel file for that employee. The reviews and copying must take […]

26 §632. Fund for unpaid wages

§632. Fund for unpaid wages 1.  Fund established.  There is established a Maine Wage Assurance Fund to be used by the Bureau of Labor Standards within the Department of Labor for the purpose of assuring that all former employees of employers within the State receive payment for wages for a maximum of 2 weeks for […]