§851. Policy It is declared to be the policy of the State, in the exercise of its police power for the protection of the public safety and for the maintenance of peace and good order and for the promotion of the state’s trade, commerce and manufacturing, to assure all persons involved in labor strikes or […]
§852. Employment of replacements prohibited No person, partnership, union, agency, firm or corporation or officer, employee or agent thereof shall recruit, procure, supply or refer any person for employment who customarily and repeatedly offers himself for employment in place of any employee involved in a labor, strike or lockout in which such person, partnership, union, […]
§853. Arrangements No person, partnership, union, firm or corporation involved in a labor, strike or lockout shall, directly or indirectly, employ in the place of an employee involved in such strike or lockout any person who customarily and repeatedly offers himself for employment in the place of employees involved in a labor strike or lockout, […]
§854. Offers No person who customarily and repeatedly offers himself for employment in place of employees involved in a labor, strike or lockout shall take or offer to take the place of employment of any employee involved in a labor, strike or lockout. [PL 1965, c. 189 (NEW).] SECTION HISTORY PL 1965, c. 189 […]
§855. Evidence It shall be prima facie evidence that a person customarily and repeatedly offers himself for employment in place of employees involved in a labor, strike or lockout, if such person shall have 2 times before offered to take the place of employment of persons involved in labor, strikes or lockouts. [PL 1965, […]
§856. Penalty Any person, partnership, union, agency, firm or corporation or any officer, employee or agent thereof, who or which shall willfully and knowingly violate any provision of this subchapter, for each violation, shall be punished by a fine of not more than $300 for any such offense, or by imprisonment for not more than […]