§ 3301. Legislative findings Meat, meat food products, poultry, and poultry products are an important source of the State’s total supply of food. They are consumed throughout the State. It is essential to the public interest that the health and welfare of consumers be protected by assuring that these commodities are wholesome, unadulterated, and properly […]
§ 3302. Definitions As used in this chapter: (1) “Adulterated” shall apply to any livestock product or poultry product under one or more of the following circumstances: (A) If it contains any poisonous or harmful substance that may render it injurious to health. The product shall not be considered adulterated under this definition if the […]
§ 3303. Purposes It is the objective of this chapter to provide for meat and poultry products inspection programs that will impose and enforce requirements with respect to intrastate operations and commerce that are at least equal to those imposed and enforced under the Federal Meat Inspection Act and the Federal Poultry Products Inspection Act […]
§ 3304. Powers of the Secretary In order to accomplish the objectives stated in section 3303 of this title, the Secretary shall: (1) by rules require ante mortem and post mortem inspections, quarantine, segregation, and reinspections with respect to the slaughter of livestock and poultry and the preparation of livestock products and poultry products at […]
§ 3305. Additional powers of the Secretary In order to accomplish the objectives stated in section 3303 of this title, the Secretary may: (1) Remove inspectors from any establishment that fails to destroy condemned products as required under subdivision 3304(2) of this title. (2) Refuse to provide inspection service under this chapter with respect to […]
§ 3306. Licensing (a) No person shall engage in intrastate commerce in the business of buying, selling, preparing, processing, packing, storing, transporting, or otherwise handling meat, meat food products, or poultry products, unless that person holds a valid license issued under this chapter. Categories of licensure shall include commercial slaughterers; custom slaughterers; commercial processors; custom […]
§ 3307. Periodic review of noninspected licensed establishments (a) The Secretary may cause establishments that are required to be licensed under section 3306 of this title, but exempt from inspection under subdivision 3305(13) of this title, to be periodically reviewed by inspectors to ensure that the provisions of this chapter and the rules adopted pursuant […]
§ 3308. Prohibited acts in general (a) No person shall, with respect to any livestock or poultry or any livestock products or poultry products: (1) slaughter any livestock or poultry or prepare any products which are capable of use as human food, at any establishment preparing the products solely for intrastate commerce, except in compliance […]
§ 3309. Additional prohibited acts; official devices, marks, and certificates (a) No brand manufacturer, printer, or other person shall cast, print, lithograph, or otherwise make any device containing any official mark or simulation, or any label bearing any mark or simulation, or any form of official certificate or simulation, except as authorized by the Secretary. […]
§ 3310. Additional prohibited acts: labeling; denaturing; dealing in dead, dying, disabled, and diseased animals; licensing (a) No person shall sell, transport, offer for sale or transportation, or receive for transportation, in intrastate commerce, any carcasses of horses, mules, or other equines or parts of these carcasses, or the meat or meat food products of […]
§ 3311. Specific offenses; penalties (a) Any person that gives, pays, or offers, directly or indirectly, any money or other thing of value to any officer or employee of this State authorized to perform any duties prescribed by this chapter or rules adopted under this chapter, with intent to influence the officer or employee in […]
§ 3311a. Livestock; inspection; licensing; personal slaughter; itinerant slaughter (a) As used in this section: (1) “Assist in the slaughter of livestock” means the act of slaughtering or butchering an animal and shall not mean the farmer’s provision of a site on the farm for slaughter, provision of implements for slaughter, or the service of […]
§ 3312. Inspection; exceptions (a) Not intended for human food. Inspection shall not be provided under this chapter at any establishment for the slaughter of livestock or poultry or the preparation of any livestock products or poultry products which are not intended for use as human food, but these products shall, prior to their offer […]
§ 3313. Inspection and seal (a) No inspection of products placed in any container at any official establishment shall be deemed to be complete until the products are sealed or enclosed under the supervision of an inspector. (b) For purposes of any inspection of products required by this chapter, inspectors shall have access at all […]
§ 3314. Detention When any livestock product or poultry product or any product exempted from the definition of a livestock product and from the definition of a poultry product, or any dead, dying, disabled, or diseased livestock or poultry, is found by any authorized representative of the Secretary upon premises where it is held for […]
§ 3315. Forfeiture (a) Any livestock product or poultry product of any dead, dying, disabled, or diseased livestock or poultry that is being transported in intrastate commerce, or is otherwise subject to this chapter, or is held for sale in this State after transportation, and that: (1) is or has been prepared, sold, transported, or […]
§ 3316. Appeal and jurisdiction (a) Any order issued under subdivision 3304(3) of this title, subdivision 3305(1), (2), or (3) of this title, subsection 3306(e) of this title, or a decision issued by the Secretary under subsection 3306(c) of this title shall be final unless appealed to a Superior Court within 15 days after service. […]
§ 3317. Penalties; generally (a) Any person who violates any provision of this chapter, or the rules adopted under this chapter, for which no other criminal penalty is provided by this chapter shall upon conviction be subject to imprisonment for not more than one year or a fine of not more than $1,000.00, or both. […]
§ 3318. Investigation; record keeping (a) The Secretary shall also have power: (1) To gather and compile information and to investigate the organization, business, conduct, practices, and management of any person engaged in intrastate commerce, and the relationship to other persons. (2) To require, by general or special orders, persons engaged in intrastate commerce to […]
§ 3319. Skilled meat cutter training The Secretary shall issue a request for proposals to develop a curriculum and provide classroom and on-the-job training for the occupation of skilled meat cutter. (Added 2011, No. 52, § 41, eff. May 27, 2011.)